Built over time, the reputation of I-CONS has been acquired through the development of a quality requirement, notably through the association of its skills with those of professionals in its sector of activity, which gives its work their image of expertise.
In this sense, we advocate the association of technical expertise with behavioral skills (creativity, leadership, enthusiasm, etc.) They are likely to make a difference in a competitive professional environment that demands more and more innovation and collaborative work.
To anchor this image sustainably, I-CONS has an active policy for its employees around 2 essential axes for the management of human resources:
Recruitment of young talent in the service of innovation the particularity of the staff of I-CONS is its youth, indeed the average age is 36 years, which shows a clear will of the Directorate to trust young talent. The image of I-CONS expertise is a strong element: to join us is to join a young team of professionals who work day after day in the service of innovation.
The training of our employees I-CONS develops a policy of development of its human resources by giving them the opportunity to train and acquire new skills. Indeed, our HR policy places a great deal of importance on skills development by devoting a significant investment to the training of its employees, Thus promoting an optimal management of their professional career within the company by offering them real prospects of evolution.